The Feldenkrais Method
I discovered the Feldenkrais method in my mid-twenties after suffering for nearly a decade with chronic back pain which was increasingly restricting my range of movement.
After beginning to experiment with the method’s Awareness Through Movement lessons I found I could move my body more effortlessly, freely and without pain. Rather unexpectedly, I also experienced a decrease in stress levels, a new curiosity for learning and a deeper level of self-acceptance.
I graduated from the four year Feldenkrais training course in Heidelberg in 2014. My focus in both group and individual lessons is to facilitate the process of learning how to let go of tension and improve posture in a way which promotes curiosity, creativity and self-confidence.
I believe we make positive changes most effectively when we accept ourselves and become curious about our present situations.
I have a PhD on friendship and adults with learning difficulties. I am also a Gestalt Therapist www.edinburghgestalttherapy.co.uk
Feldenkrais for physical issues
The Feldenkrais Method can also be useful to improve a range of physical issues, e.g. improving pain, balance, coordination etc. There are a range of practitioners in Edinburgh effectively with these issues including
Anne Le Gal
Physiotherapist, Massage Therapist,
Feldenkrais Student Teacher- Awareness Through Movement